

宣布自己在威斯康辛大学欧克莱尔分校攻读医学预科, 你在医学领域迈出了下一步. We offer a rigorous curriculum and experiential learning opportunities that will prepare you not only for saving lives but making a difference in the health care industry. 医学预科不是威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的专业, 而是一份你打算继续学习并进入医学院的声明.

有许多专业可供选择,这些专业将丰富你的教育, and because medical school admissions committees consider applicants from a wide variety of academic backgrounds, 没有“官方的”医学预科专业. Instead, 学生必须完成医学预科的核心课程, 包括医学院入学考试(MCAT)的基本准备工作, 在本科阶段. This means that you can choose the major that is most relevant to your interests and goals and still complete the necessary prerequisites.

在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校,不仅仅是你的课程作业会让你与众不同. 你可以参加本科生的研究, job shadowing and other exciting opportunities made available through our collaboration with Mayo Clinic. Certain skills and experiences like those found here are typically favored of medical school applicants, 除了有竞争力的GPA. 许多医学院也强调科学才能,要求有很强的沟通能力. Our exceptional advisors and faculty members — including pre-health peer advisors — are aware of medical school requirements and will do everything they can to support you during your time at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金.

医生在改善个人、家庭和社区健康方面发挥着重要作用. 通常是在医疗保健系统的第一线, 良好的教育是有影响力和成功的职业生涯的基础. 从威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校开始吧. 


合作研究经验是威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校医学预科课程的核心. 无论您是直接与教师或梅奥诊所的健康专业人员工作, you'll gain the real-world knowledge and skills you need to prepare for a career in the medical field.

Hear from Blugolds Caterra and Keng on why they chose 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 and how their classroom experience and undergraduate research will set them apart as they apply to medical school. 


宝贵的社区伙伴关系. UW-Eau克莱尔 pre-med students benefit from several major medical facilities in the region that provide the area with not only state-of-the-art, 优质的医疗服务, 也有见习和实习的机会. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金与梅奥诊所有着密切的联系, 马什菲尔德诊所和圣心医院, 以及像奇佩瓦谷免费诊所这样的小型医疗机构.

研究的机会. 作为本科研究的顶级硕士级大学, 探索和发现的机会是无限的. Many of our students work directly with faculty and local professionals on groundbreaking research projects, 推动创新,为我们周围的世界做出真正的改善. Students may also choose to take their research experience a step further by presenting their findings at both regional and national conferences. 

出色的职业准备. There are countless opportunities to connect with professionals in the field and learn real-world skills before graduation. 参加医学院招聘会, 案例竞赛, 梅奥医学和科学学院的编程等等. 

创新的设施. UW-Eau克莱尔 is one of only a few schools of its size with a career center dedicated to supporting pre-med students. The William J. 玛丽安·A. Klish健康职业中心 提供一对一的医学预科建议, 有机会与专业学校的招生代表见面, and participate in workshops designed to build effective tools for career development and competitive applications.

相关学生组织. On-campus student organizations — like the 职前健康课程b — connect students like you who are also interested in a medical career. 这些课外活动是向演讲嘉宾学习的绝佳途径, 参与志愿者工作,参观该地区的研究生项目.


在进入威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校之前, 扎克·卡特遭遇意外导致脊髓损伤. Spending time in the hospital followed by near-daily physical therapy solidified his desire to work in the medical field.

现攻读生物化学与分子生物学和数学双学位, 扎克是医学预科项目的一员.

Learn how choosing 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 allowed Zach to continue his recovery and explore his interests in biology and medicine, 包括在他入学的第一学期就加入了一个研究小组.


  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • 学生可以选择最符合他们职业目标的专业和/或辅修.
  • 职前健康课程
  • 生物学俱乐部
  • 美国化学会学生协会
  • STEM中的女性和少数性别群体


澳门葡京网赌送彩金获得本科学位后, 你成为医生的下一步是进入医学院. 目前大约有136所对抗疗法医学院提供M.D. 学位和26所骨科医学院,提供医学博士学位.O. 学位-在美国,每个需要四年才能完成. The first two years consist of classroom and laboratory work in the basic sciences; the final two years are devoted to clinical training. M.D.s and D.O.s enter a residency program of three or more years directly after medical school to gain advanced clinical training in their specialty.

UW-Eau克莱尔 is known nationally for its strong biology and chemistry programs and has a long history of producing skilled graduates regularly accepted to medical school. In fact, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金对申请医学院学生的录取率高于全国平均水平.

The majority of UW-Eau克莱尔 graduates attend the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, 威斯康星医学院, 梅奥诊所阿利克斯医学院或明尼苏达大学医学院. Others have attended various private medical schools or schools of osteopathic medicine all around the country. 

我能用M做什么.D. or D.O.?

医学博士(M.D.)或骨科医生(D.O.)诊断、治疗和预防疾病并提供护理. 医生可以继续选择医学专业,如过敏和免疫学, 麻醉学, 皮肤病学, 急诊医学, 家庭医学, neurology, obstetrics, pathology, pediatrics, 精神病学等等. 

我知道我想去医学院, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金的老师们向我展示了如何以最好的方式实现这一目标. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校会带本科生去任何他们想去的地方. 这所学校以本科生为中心,而规模较大的学校并不总是这样.

安东尼•罗伯茨 Pre-Med
作为一个Blugold, 凯丽·沃格尔在校园里经历了各种各样的事情, 在社区和世界其他地方帮助她获得知识, 她追求医学事业所需要的经验和信心.


在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校, courses offer a chance to step out of your comfort zone and explore how your interests and passions intersect with the real world. 给医学院预科学生凯丽·沃格尔的, this opportunity came in the form of visiting nearby jails and talking with incarcerated individuals.

收集有关心理健康的数据, 住房状况和其他人口因素, Callie and her peers discovered that those who were incarcerated had a variety of health issues — but many lacked proper health care.



The pre-med curriculum at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 consists of courses needed to meet the entrance requirements for the majority of medical schools and to prepare you for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). 这个标准化考试是几乎所有医学院的入学要求. The exam consists of four parts: biological and biochemical foundations of living systems; chemical and physical foundations of biological systems; psychological, social and biological foundations of behavior; and critical analysis and reasoning skills; and is taken in the spring semester or summer following the junior or senior year. 

医学院也经常寻找有重要健康相关和服务经验的学生, 比如医学研究, 工作见习或实习. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金's curriculum is intentionally designed to offer pre-med students these types of real-world experiences prior to graduation. 医学预科学生也有资格参加出国留学的机会, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金以编程闻名全国. An international experience can complement and enhance both your general program of study and your pre-health interests. Moreover, fluency in a language other than English and cross-cultural experience can enhance your application to a health professional school. 


Students interested in a career in medicine may focus on these topics during their undergraduate career:

了解更多澳门葡京网赌送彩金 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的医学预科课程.


十年前在食品银行排队的时候, 布罗克·凯利发誓,总有一天,他会提供食物,而不是接受食物. Now, 澳门葡京网赌送彩金的非传统本科生, 布罗克是医学预科生,主修生物学,辅修化学.

他最近申请了威斯康星大学医学和公共卫生学院, 他不仅被接受了, 但他也获得了全额奖学金.

当你选择医学院以外的专业时, Broc wants to give back and “go wherever there is the biggest need; wherever I can make the biggest difference.”


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