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设计自己的专业与威斯康星大学欧克莱尔自由研究学士学位. 这种跨学科的课程允许你根据自己的兴趣和学术目标选择课程,并提供一个机会来学习比在特定学科领域主修时更广泛的主题. 对于心中有明确职业目标的学生来说,这个项目是一个很好的选择, have multiple academic interests, are transferring to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 or are nontraditional.

As a liberal studies major, 你将根据一个主要的学术主题和三个跨学科的集中领域选择你的课程, with courses that explore the primary theme. 这种结构允许你连接几个不属于任何单一学科或专业的学术兴趣领域, providing you with a truly specific and customized degree. 

专业发展和职业准备是本专业的重点. 与专业主题相关的一个学期的顶点课程将使您有机会参与学生与教师的合作研究,并进一步研究您感兴趣的主题. 你也将有机会在当地和国家组织实习, 帮助你更好地理解在现实世界中使用你的学位是什么感觉.

我们的文科学生创造了一些非常不可思议的学位. 从研究全球可持续发展到社会创业再到儿童发展, creative productions, 健康, 组织发展和战略规划——布鲁戈尔德人正在发挥他们的激情,寻找让世界变得更美好的方法, 亮的地方. Are you ready to join them?

Female student on South Dakota vista

Her degree, her design

劳伦·加夫隆想要一个能实现她所有可持续发展目标的学术计划, 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的通识教育学位计划让她有机会创造一个.

Following the liberal studies degree plan requirements, 劳伦建立了一个项目,结合了她感兴趣的商业经济学领域, environmental science and sociology/environmental public policy.

Read more about how Lauren created her own sustainability degree plan.

Why liberal studies at UW-Eau克莱尔?

Personalized curriculum. Classes taken throughout the liberal studies major are chosen by you. 许多布鲁戈尔德人在选择专业时,心里都有一个特定的硕士项目或专业. And with curriculum designed to align with your interests and goals, 一个通识教育学位可以根据你的需要或想要的与众不同.

Support from faculty advisors. While defining and planning your liberal studies major, you'll receive guidance and support from exceptional faculty advisors. 一起工作, 你要确保选择最有影响力的课程,同时确保你达到专业的毕业要求.

Diverse, multidisciplinary classrooms. 文科专业的学生有独特的机会从大学多个部门的课程和学习机会中受益. 周围都是来自不同背景和学科的教授和学生, you'll explore new perspectives, 兴趣和思维方式——同时建立与你的职业和个人目标高度相关的教育经历.

Research opportunities. Dig deeper into your passion by researching unexplored topics. Through the liberal studies capstone course, 你将有机会进行直接适用于你设计的专业的研究. 以前的学生已经学习了像在初级阶段引入计算机科学的价值这样的主题, the application and effects of art therapy for dementia patients, and the relationship between urban green-space access and 健康.

Experiential learning. 从在洛杉矶参加表演权组织的实习,到在旧金山参加一个主要的国际电影节,再到在伦敦留学, opportunities to take your education to the next level are endless. 

Connection to local employers. 一年一度的校园就业会议将潜在雇主介绍给你. 这些活动是建立人际关系网的绝佳机会,也是为当前和未来的工作机会提交简历的绝佳机会. 


or continuing education after graduation

2021-2022 Graduate Report


  • Program length: four years
  • Offered: in person
  • Campus: 欧克莱尔
  • This major does not require a minor.
  • 主修该课程的学生将获得文科学士学位(BLS). 

What can I do with a liberal studies degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

There are no limits with a bachelor's degree in liberal studies. 灵活地选择与你的每个目标相一致的课程将使你在你最感兴趣的领域具有竞争优势. And since you designed your own major, your future is in your hands. 

Where are liberal studies alumni now?

一个适合你的兴趣和职业目标的跨学科学位是非常有价值的. 澳门葡京网赌送彩金的教育使我能够发展多角度,综合解决复杂问题的新方法.

水晶 自由研究

Returning to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 to lead sustainability projects started as a student

作为一名学生, 莉莉Strehlow是几个可持续发展相关研究项目和倡议的领导者. 现在, three years after graduating with degrees in economics, liberal studies-environmental policy and water resources, 作为威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的可持续发展专家,布鲁戈尔德正在帮助将其中一些项目变为现实. 

“我喜欢这个职位,因为我可以和那些热衷于改变周围世界的学生一起工作. I get to organize projects ranging from grant applications, 校园活动, supporting green infrastructure and greenhouse gas reporting. 我觉得通过在机构层面上完成这项工作,我正在改变世界.” 

Read more about Lily's work at the university.

Liberal studies bachelor's degree program curriculum

通识教育课程强调公开讨论和基于项目的学习,并以研讨会的形式授课. Coursework focuses on the theories of academic learning, cross-disciplinary connections, and professional and personal growth. 顶点课程将完善你的学习,并允许你发展和完成一个独特的, high-value project in your chosen area of concentration.

What classes do liberal studies majors take?

Although most of your courses are self-selected with advisor support, 所有文科专业的学生都必须修完三门课程. 这些包括:


学习 more about the comprehensive liberal studies major in the 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 course catalog.

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Related programs at UW-Eau克莱尔

Thinking about personalizing your studies? Here are other programs you may be interested in exploring.

Department information

Photo of Schofield Hall in the sunlight


Hibbard Humanities Hall 166
124 Garfield Avenue
欧克莱尔, WI 54701
访问 the 自由研究 department website